Urban History Seminars
Our Urban History Seminars series features a scholarly presentation, typically about a work in progress, followed by lively discussion. The monthly series runs during the academic year (September to May), and most sessions take place virtually via Zoom. All sessions are free; we would greatly appreciate a donation to the Museum in any amount. Reservations are required.
Call for Proposals: 2024–25
We encourage expressions of interest—from historians early in their careers as well as more experienced scholars—who might wish to make a presentation during the 2024–25 academic year. We prefer that our speakers discuss work-in-progress rather than a book or article already in print. For more information and to express your interest, please email Peter T. Alter, CHM chief historian, at alter@chicagohistory.org
The Urban History Seminars have been generously underwritten by the Chicago History Museum since 1983.
Urban History Seminar | “Aquí en Chicago”
Dr. Elena Gonzales, CHM Curator of Civic Engagement and Social Justice, and other project staff will discuss the Museum’s ongoing project and upcoming exhibition, Aquí en Chicago.

Virtual Urban History Seminar | “The Unknown History of Baseball Gambling, 1874–1950”
Steven A. Riess, Bernard Brommel Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus at Northeastern Illinois University, presents “The Unknown History of Baseball Gambling, 1874–1950.”

Urban History Seminar Committee
- Peter T. Alter, Chicago History Museum
- Lilia Fernández, University of Illinois Chicago
- D. Bradford Hunt, Loyola University Chicago
- Ann Durkin Keating, North Central College
- Audrey Womack, Chicago History Museum