Classroom Resources; Educators

Industry and Innovation

Nov 17 2016

Complete an in-depth exploration of a common household item to uncover the history hidden in everyday objects.

i20414Show Me a Flowerpot
By comparing and contrasting handmade and machine-made products, students will learn about the evolution of production processes in American history. Download Show Me a Flowerpot.

Time in a Teakettle
Students will compare and contrast antique and modern teakettles in order to explore how the design and production of tea has changed (or stayed the same) over time. Download Time in a Teakettle.

A Toast to the Past
Students will use their observation, analysis, and research skills to discover the identity and purpose of a mysterious artifact from the past—the non-electric toaster! They will then make a visual timeline of toaster history. Download A Toast to the Past.

Spice it Up!
Students will engage their senses of touch and smell by grinding spices using a mortar and pestle, as they follow the path of famous explorers on the Silk Road to build an understanding of their desire for Asian riches. Download Spice it Up!

Tips for Assembling Your Artifact Kit
Our tips and resources will help you build an artifact kit to use with these lessons.

Local teachers wrote the History in Your Hands lessons as part of History Connections and Artifact Collections, a project made possible by a generous grant from the Polk Bros. Foundation.

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