Rising Out of the Fire

Elmer Whiting, a Chicago streetcar conductor, kept a detailed diary throughout 1894. That year Chicago still buzzed from the World’s Columbian Exposition, the world’s fair held a year earlier. In these decades following the Chicago Fire of 1871, the city experienced great growth and transitions. Elmer’s diary is a window into that complex history.

Ride around Chicago with Elmer in this Google Arts & Culture story.


Exhibition-GAC-streetcars-DN0000484 Horse-drawn streetcars, South Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, 1903. DN-0000484, Chicago Daily News collection, CHM
Exhibition-GAC-cablecar conductors-i015012 Cable car conductors ready for line-up, 1900. CHM, ICHi-015012; Charles R. Childs, photographer
Exhibition-GAC-conductors at saloon-i064100 Streetcar conductor at a saloon, 1900. CHM, ICHi-064100
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