On a spring day in May 1924, a young boy, Bobby Franks, went missing while walking home from school. Within a day his body had been discovered, launching an investigation that within a week led to the killers, Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, who were his neighbors and young men of means. Join CHM director of exhibitions Paul Durica on this tour that traces the “Crime of the Century” a century after the events unfolded.

Tour runs 1.5 to 2 hours. Meet at 4848 S. Ellis Ave.; tour ends at 5052 S. Ellis Ave.

$25; $22.50 members

DN-0078038 Jacob Loeb, Nathan Leopold Jr., Richard Loeb, and Nathan Leopold Sr. before Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold Jr. went on trial for the murder of Bobby Franks, June 2, 1924. DN-0078038, Chicago Daily News collection, CHM
Nathan Leopold’s glasses used as evidence in Leopold and Loeb trial Nathan Leopold's glasses used as evidence in the Leopold and Loeb trial. DN-0077043, Chicago Daily News collection, CHM
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