Donating to the Collection

Thank you for your interest in donating to the Chicago History Museum collection. If you have documents, images, or artifacts that you believe would complement our collection, please tell us about them. To assist us in our review, please fully describe your proposed donation by including information about its size, condition, and historical significance, and attach photographs or photocopies of the materials, if possible. Please do not send the original materials you wish to donate to the museum at this time. If you have not already done so, take a moment to review the Museum’s Collecting Scope and Criteria.

Online Collection Donation Form


Description of Materials

Please be as specific as possible: include names, dates, physical description, and any other information you can see by examining the material.
Who made it? Who did it belong to? How was it used? Where, when, and by whom was it used?
Please provide measured or estimated dimensions in H x W x D format.
What condition is it in? (Check all that apply)(Required)
If possible, please attach 1 or 2 images (no larger than 2MB each) of the item(s) you wish to donate to the Museum. Images that capture key features or document the condition of the item(s) help the curatorial staff evaluate donation offers (if you are proposing a large volume of papers, books, or images, please provide sample images).
Max. file size: 2 MB.

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