America’s Documents of Freedom

The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the Emancipation Proclamation are often referred to collectively as the Documents of Freedom. As a group, these documents demonstrate … Learn More

Explore Chicago Collections

CHM director of Research and Access Ellen Keith recounts the milestones and achievements of Explore Chicago Collections in its first year. She recently spoke about it at the Bucknell University … Learn More

108 Changes since 1908

It is a well-known fact that the Chicago Cubs last won a World Series title in 1908. The 1908 Chicago Cubs team at West Side Grounds after winning the World … Learn More

Facing Freedom in America

In the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the Founding Fathers set out to define American freedom. But they didn’t have the last word. Since then, generations have built on … Learn More

Lincoln’s Undying Words

Explore Abraham Lincoln’s changing views toward slavery and racial equality through five of his key speeches: A House Divided (1858); his first and second inaugural addresses (1861, 1865); the Gettysburg … Learn More

All About the Details

As a preview to the opening of Making Mainbocher: The First American Couturier (October 22, 2016–August 20, 2017), volunteer Kristin Bernstein explains the process behind building props and determining accessories … Learn More

The Encyclopedia of Chicago

No research project is complete without this online resource, which includes A-to-Z entries, photographs with zooming capability, rich maps, interpretive digital essays, and a wealth of historical sources. Explore the … Learn More

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