Transportation History

Explore Chicago’s prominent role in the history of the railroads through transportation artifacts—both past and present. The Golden Spike Students will read “Joseph’s Railroad Dreams,” a historical fiction story, to learn … Learn More

The Great Migration

Gain empathy and understanding of the people who participated in one of the biggest population shifts in US history. Travelers in Time By examining artifacts from the era of the … Learn More

Chicago Architecture

Discover the basics of architecture and Chicago’s important role in architectural history though artifacts and design-and-build projects. The Art of Construction Taking on the roles of architect and builder, students … Learn More

Playing in Chicago

From bicycles to electric trains to paper dolls, Chicagoland was once home to an enormous toy industry. Chicago companies brought new kinds of toys to the market, including transportation toys, … Learn More

The First Ferris Wheel

When the Ferris wheel was introduced it inspired awe and wonder. The world’s first Ferris wheel was invented for Chicago’s Columbian Exposition of 1893. Students will explore the creative inspiration … Learn More

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