Arts, Entertainment, and Culture

Heather Bilandic’s Potato/Leek Soup

Feb 04 2021

Michael A. Bilandic became mayor after the death of Richard J. Daley in 1976. During his 1979 election campaign, Bilandic emphasized his ethnic and family loyalties with this brochure that included various recipes from his wife, Heather Bilandic, including such as her Potato/Leek Soup. Bilandic was soundly defeated by Jane Byrne during the Democratic primary.

Michael A. Bilandic campaign literature and recipe booklet, 1979. CHM, ICHi-059212

Message on left:

With your support, I know Mike
will continue to make our city a
good place for us all to live, work
and raise our children.

Heather Bilandic

Message on left:

Hope you enjoy trying
these recipes which are
favorites of Mike’s and mine.
I’d like to remind you that
Mike was the person who
got the butchers and markets
to agree to sell meat after six.
I know that has made
shopping more convenient
for me, and I hope for you,

Heather Bilandic


Recipe on right:

Potato/Leek Soup

½ cup butter
2 large leeks
2 medium onions
1 carrot
1½ teas. salt
2 teas. sugar
¼ teas. freshly ground pepper
3 med. potatoes, sliced
5 cups good chicken stock
2 egg yolks (optional)
¼ cup heavy cream (optional)

Wash and slice leeks, onions and carrot. Cook these in melted butter with salt, covered, simmering for about 30 minutes.

Add sugar, pepper, potatoes and chicken stock. Cover and simmer for one hour. Purée in a blender until smooth.

Just before serving, mix the yolks and cream. Heat soup (do not boil) and add yolk mixture. Stir well and serve.

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